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6 Types of Flops and Flop Textures You Need To Know

You’re at the poker table, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and your eyes fixed on the dealer as they reveal the first three community cards—the flop. You know that this is a hot moment, as it can turn your mediocre hand into a winning one or dash your hopes of a big win.  If you […]

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4 Reasons Why Poker Players Get Massages

Poker is no walk in the park. It’s a game that can take a serious toll on a player's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When you're watching the World Series of Poker (WSOP), all you see are those fierce poker faces and their high-level strategic gameplay.  What you don’t notice is just how long these […]

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Aggression in Poker: The Ultimate Guide

Think aggression might land you a big win? Nail it, and you could be cashing out with a massive pot. You’ve probably heard poker players rave about aggression. They say it’s a winning strategy, but don’t just go all-in on that advice. You need to mix it up with solid basics like hand reading, staying […]

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The Psychology Behind Lotteries: Why Today Might Be Your Day

The chance of winning a lottery is like getting a perfect score on every test you’ve taken, including the ones you didn't study for. So, why are people so obsessed with something that only gives you a 1 in 292.2 million chance of winning? It’s pretty wild. Who’d bother with those odds, right? Well, the […]

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5 Reasons Why Position Matters in Poker

Despite your best efforts, your bluffs are getting called, and that monster hand you were banking on unfortunately got crushed by someone else’s full house. Oh no. After losing multiple games week after week, you feel the frustration starting to creep in. What’s your next line of action? Since you already think that luck is […]

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10 Amazing Tips for Online Bingo

Playing bingo live is all about the fun and socializing with a crowd and cheering each other on, while online bingo offers the convenience of playing from anywhere, a wider range of game options, and a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere that players enjoy. No doubt, bingo has gained popularity since the emergence of online gambling. According […]

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Our Latest

How Casinos Make Money With Poker

Ever wondered how casinos make money in poker? Unlike other casino games, you’re not playing against the dealer in poker – you have to face other players on the table. Regardless of who wins, the casino has to pay in the end. So, why do casinos even have poker games, and how do they make […]

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13 Poker Biases That Can Kill Your Poker Game

Biases cause your judgment to be clouded. When you watch a movie and after it ends, you say, “I knew that would happen!” even if you really haven't guessed it before. Such cognitive biases are highly prevalent in poker.  Some of these biases can cost you big time. Poker demands rational and logical thinking. However, […]

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The 3 Best Poker Staking Sites

You might be surprised to learn just how expansive poker really is. It’s as vast as the open waters depicted in the 2018 sci-fi action blockbuster “The Meg,” or perhaps even more so, with endless opportunities.  What?! Here I am, chuckling at my own overstatement, ho ho ho. Yet, in reality, there’s a grain of […]

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How to Use Deception in Poker

When you talk about poker, deception is a big game-changer. It’s not easy to go against some really aggressive players without putting your absolute best out there. Poker players are famous for using tricks to fool their opponents, which sometimes work and sometimes…well, backfires! So, how do you get in the head of your opponent […]

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The Legality of Poker Staking

As you are here, you’ve definitely dreamt of being able to play poker without risking any of your own money. It may seem improbable, but that’s where Poker Staking comes into play.  This practice allows investors to hire players, often called “horses,” to compete on their behalf (neighs, BAHAHAHA). Yet, this arrangement raises questions: What […]

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The Story of Archie Karas and The Run

This post is kind of radiating with the energy of mythological gods, haha, I’ll explain why I feel this way later. For now, Karas was a gambler whose moves were as explosive as a terrorist’s. I’m not even sure if the world has ever witnessed winning streaks of the magnitude he commanded.  Cast that doubt […]

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6 Types of Flops and Flop Textures You Need To Know

You’re at the poker table, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and your eyes fixed on the dealer as they reveal the first three community cards—the flop. You know that this is a hot moment, as it can turn your mediocre hand into a winning one or dash your hopes of a big win.  If you […]

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4 Reasons Why Poker Players Get Massages

Poker is no walk in the park. It’s a game that can take a serious toll on a player's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When you're watching the World Series of Poker (WSOP), all you see are those fierce poker faces and their high-level strategic gameplay.  What you don’t notice is just how long these […]

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Aggression in Poker: The Ultimate Guide

Think aggression might land you a big win? Nail it, and you could be cashing out with a massive pot. You’ve probably heard poker players rave about aggression. They say it’s a winning strategy, but don’t just go all-in on that advice. You need to mix it up with solid basics like hand reading, staying […]

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The Psychology Behind Lotteries: Why Today Might Be Your Day

The chance of winning a lottery is like getting a perfect score on every test you’ve taken, including the ones you didn't study for. So, why are people so obsessed with something that only gives you a 1 in 292.2 million chance of winning? It’s pretty wild. Who’d bother with those odds, right? Well, the […]

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5 Reasons Why Position Matters in Poker

Despite your best efforts, your bluffs are getting called, and that monster hand you were banking on unfortunately got crushed by someone else’s full house. Oh no. After losing multiple games week after week, you feel the frustration starting to creep in. What’s your next line of action? Since you already think that luck is […]

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10 Amazing Tips for Online Bingo

Playing bingo live is all about the fun and socializing with a crowd and cheering each other on, while online bingo offers the convenience of playing from anywhere, a wider range of game options, and a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere that players enjoy. No doubt, bingo has gained popularity since the emergence of online gambling. According […]

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